Hank Habicht, former Deputy Administrator under Bill Reilly,describes the historical context in which he arrived at EPA, his views of EPA's relationship with the private sector then and now, program management within EPA and public/private partnerships, leadership management within EPA, and lessons he learned during his tenure at EPA.
Audio Track - The Complete Interview - 60 minutes
Biographical Information about Hank Habicht
F. Henry “Hank” Habicht II served as Deputy Administrator and chief operating officer of the Environmental Protection Agency from 1989 through 1992. In that capacity, Mr. Habicht oversaw EPA’s budget and operations and initiated quality-oriented management improvements within EPA and promoted numerous interagency efforts focused on risk assessment, energy, transportation, trade, and technology promotion.
Currently the Managing Partner of SAIL Venture Partners, a venture capital fund investing in leading-edge clean technologies, Mr. Habicht’s previous posts include CEO of the Global Environment & Technology Foundation (GETF) and senior VP of Safety-Kleen Corporation. Before joining EPA, Mr. Habicht served as Vice President and Counsel to William D. Ruckelshaus Associates and Assistant U.S. Attorney General for Land and Natural Resources.
Mr. Habicht serves on numerous boards and advisory councils including the Steering Committee of the Energy Future Coalition, Chairman of the Board of Waterhealth International, and until 2012 as Chairman of the Board of Resolve, Inc., a non-profit group that has pioneered applying conflict resolution to natural resource, environmental, and public health issues, the President’s Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiation, and the Chesapeake Bay Blue Ribbon Financing Panel. Mr. Habicht received the Air & Waste Management Association’s 2009 Richard Beatty Mellon Environmental Stewardship Award.
The individual "chapters" of the discussion are available for viewing individually as is the complete interview (60 minutes).
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage Historically (6 minutes)
Hank Habicht discusses the historical context in which he came to EPA to work with Bill Reilly as the Deputy Administrator
Chapter 2: EPA's Relationship with the Private Sector (8 minutes)
Hank Habicht's views of the relationship between EPA and the Private Sector, then and now.
Chapter 3: Program Management & Public/Private Partnerships (18 minutes)
Hank Habicht describes his approach to program management within EPA and the importance of Public/Private Partnerships, including specific program examples.
Chapter 4: Leadership Management within EPA (18 minutes)
Hank Habicht explores his and Bill Reilly's approach to fostering leadership within EPA, including their successful division of labor between them.
Chapter 5: Lessons Learned at EPA (10 minutes)
Hank Habicht lists some major lessons learned about managing the EPA, including SES rotations, "turf" problems, and the value of good science and team work.
The Complete Interview | 39m | |
C1: | Joining the Administration: Relationship with the President | 8m |
C2: | My Agenda at EPA | 6m |
C3: | International Issues | 9m |
C4: | Priorities at EPA | 5m |
C5: | EPA Leadership and Staff | 3m |
C6: | EPA's Challenges | 4m |
C7: | Major Accomplishments | 5m |
The Complete Interview | 74m | |
C1: | An Unusual Arrival at EPA | 18m |
C2: | Chernobyl's Radiation Emergency | 8m |
C3: | OSWER & Superfund Reauthorization | 8m |
C4: | Stratospheric Ozone & Climate Change | 19m |
C5: | Management & Core Values | 23m |
The Complete Interview | 55m | |
C1: | Beginning a New Agency | 13m |
C2: | Setting up the New Agency's Structure | 17m |
C3: | DDT & the Clean Air Act of 1970 | 13m |
C4: | Leadership at the New Agency | 12m |