Bill Reilly discusses how his view of the EPA staff changed (in a favorable direction) once he arrived at the Agency. He also discusses his approach to choosing the Agency's political leaders during his tenure.
Audio Track - Chapter 5 - 3 minutes
The individual "chapters" of the discussion are available for viewing individually as is the complete interview (39 minutes).
Chapter 1: Joining the Administration: Relationship with the President (8 minutes)
Bill Reilly describes his decision to accept President H.W. Bush's invitation to become Administrator and the agreements he worked out with the President on selecting staff and organizing his team.
Chapter 2: My Agenda at EPA (6 minutes)
Bill Reilly describes how he set his agenda at EPA drawing on the advice of the Science Advisory Board regarding the highest priority issues in the Agency including ecology and no-net-loss in wetlands. He also discusses the value of place-based initiatives for obtaining the public's support across the spectrum of local interests to acheive tangible progress in protecting natural resources.
Chapter 3: International Issues (9 minutes)
Bill Reilly describes the importance he placed on international issues, including Debt for Nature, climate change, protection of the ozone layer, NAFTA's environmental provisions, and assistance to Eastern Europe immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Chapter 4: Priorities at EPA (5 minutes)
Bill Reilly discusses the importance of science as the unifying factor at EPA and the need to communicate effectively with the public before crises arise. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the public's current attitudes toward the environment.
Chapter 5: EPA Leadership and Staff (3 minutes)
Bill Reilly discusses how his view of the EPA staff changed (in a favorable direction) once he arrived at the Agency. He also discusses his approach to choosing the Agency's political leaders during his tenure.
Chapter 6: EPA's Challenges (4 minutes)
Bill Reilly discusses the Agency's relationship to the Congress and the importance of international work as part of the Agency's mission.
Chapter 7: Major Accomplishments (5 minutes)
Bill Reilly reflects on the major accomplishments during his tenure, with an emphasis on the Clean Air Act and environmental education.
Former Administrator Bill Reilly talks about his arrival at EPA, his agenda at EPA, his focus on international issues, his changing view of EPA staff, and challenges that EPA faces. This interview was produced by two alumni, Dan Fiorino and Gordon Binder, under the auspices of the School of Public Affairs at American University.
The introduction to the interview is as follows:
The Complete Interview | 39m | |
C1: | Joining the Administration: Relationship with the President | 8m |
C2: | My Agenda at EPA | 6m |
C3: | International Issues | 9m |
C4: | Priorities at EPA | 5m |
C5: | EPA Leadership and Staff | 3m |
C6: | EPA's Challenges | 4m |
C7: | Major Accomplishments | 5m |
The Complete Interview | 74m | |
C1: | An Unusual Arrival at EPA | 18m |
C2: | Chernobyl's Radiation Emergency | 8m |
C3: | OSWER & Superfund Reauthorization | 8m |
C4: | Stratospheric Ozone & Climate Change | 19m |
C5: | Management & Core Values | 23m |
The Complete Interview | 55m | |
C1: | Beginning a New Agency | 13m |
C2: | Setting up the New Agency's Structure | 17m |
C3: | DDT & the Clean Air Act of 1970 | 13m |
C4: | Leadership at the New Agency | 12m |